5 Signal You Very Much Drinking Coffee

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5 Signal You Very Much Drinking Coffee

kamiConsuming caffeine in the form of profitable normal amount due can avoid drowsiness, adding to capture the senses, quicken fikir power, and reduce boredom. Although coffee can indeed avoid sleepiness, consume too excessive is also not good. Very much caffeine can change mood in a negative way, power, and even your health. Most studies have also linked even high doses of coffee with infertility and an increased risk of hip fracture in elderly women, said M Keri Gans, MS, RD, CDN, author of The Small Change Diet. You are the general consumption of caffeine in large quantities and then suddenly stop going easy furious, fatigue, headaches, and even depression. Therefore, the American Dietetic Association recommends not to consume caffeine increasingly more 300 mg a day. The amount is the same also with Area two or three cups of coffee a size of 236 ml (or one standard glass). Although you are not someone admirer of coffee, you can also get caffeine from sources that are not detected. So how can you know that caffeine consumption has been included also too excessive? 1. Sleepy during the day when no kopiSetiap day drinking coffee you must trust that can last until late afternoon without drowsiness. In some people, it takes perhaps just another form of caffeine, cola drinks for example. According to David J Clayton, MD, author of The Healthy Guide to Unhealthy Living, the content of caffeine in a can of cola drinks can be as much as a cup of espresso. Exception could lead to a decrease in power, the acid content in soft drinks can lead to tooth enamel defects when taken daily. Limit soda can of course until one day, then rub the teeth to help reduce the impact of erosion on dental enamel. 2. Urine color oranyeWarna dark yellow or orange in the urine is a signal of dehydration. Shaped coffee diuretics can lead to dehydration due to the addition of urine, causing you to lose a lot of body fluids, said Amy Gross, MPH, RD, CDN, clinical dietitian at New York Presbyterian Hospital. But, in fact you would not naturally dehydrated only with caffeine consumption. Just when the numbers reach 500 mg, you will be attacked by dehydration. 3. You can not tidurKafein Area requires 45 minutes to an hour to be absorbed as well as long-lasting. Meaning, he can remain in the body throughout most hours and ultimately changing your sleep cycle, said Molly Morgan, RD, who has a Creative Nutrition Solutions in Vestal, New Yor

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